april goals

Apr 1, 2013

It is technically spring but it really has yet to feel like it. Saturday was beautiful, the rest of the days have been pretty crappy. I want the weather to get better so Fifa and I can run around outside. I also want to study in the sun porch and maybe be able to tan on my backyard haha. But it is a new month with new goals.

Did I accomplish last months?
Eh. A few!
I did yoga, more workouts than yoga. I started eating more vegan at home and less cheese when I'm out and about. I bought a new bathing suit from VS and I love it! When I get tan the coral pink suit is going to look awesome! haha. I didn't bake a new recipe but I made a vegan breakfast parfait. It's filling and delicious!

So now on to April goal.
  1. Create cover letters & spruce up my resume.
  2. Play with Fifa outside more.
  3. Continue to workout.
  4. Organize my room and house.
  5. Breathe in and let go of negativity. Embrace change.

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