Happy 28th Birthday to my amazing boyfriend, Steve!
Sushi dinner yesterday.
Thai dinner with his parents today.
Atlantic City on Saturday aka Cinco de Mayo!
Great birthday weekend ahead.
I let him open his gift yesterday when we were together and he loved it :) He was so surprised that I got it for him since I got his car detailed for him for his birthday. He kept talking about it and I really wanted to get him something extra that would be a surprise. It is in addition to the gift I bought him last year for his birthday. It is an LCD screen attachment to his GoPro Hero, now he can see where he is filming instead of guessing and finding out later that it was completely wrong. He kept trying to guess it before he opened it, he thought it was chocolates, but NOPE!
I was even eco-friendly and wrapped it in a brown paper bag we had with some washi tape and bakers twine. I used my Silhouette to cut out the tag with scrap paper that I had. He liked that too. I added the washi tape after I took this picture. I will have to post the pictures of when he actually opened and how happy he was after I get home later.

Now, the countdown to mine begins. 5 days!
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