sunday links

May 15, 2016

photo from here

Sunday is for relaxing and stressing about the upcoming Monday work week. Luckily, my workweek will be short and I will be heading off to Las Vegas for a Bachelorette weekend for my sorority sister, Gabs! It is going to be beyond exciting because we are all getting back together after graduating almost five years ago. This will also be my fifth time to Vegas, woot woot!

Now what has been going on in my Internet searches:

the reason I caved for a Fitbit (upgraded to the Atlas and love it)

wedding goals, wedding goals, wedding goals
(and they're all friends, I need friends like these)

need this to keep track of birthdays

summer sandals

places like these are why I need to move to a city

can't wait to cook some recipes from a couple cooks

they also gave me great kitchen inspiration

Time for Game of Thrones!
It gives me such stress and so much excitement all at the same time. Enjoy your week everybody! From a very wise quote I saw from Instagram: May your coffee be strong, and your Monday short.

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