This summer is really flying by. I can not believe it. I can not believe Priscilla is moving out in 9 days. I am so sad. We are having her going away party on Saturday and then she leaves the following Friday. I do not want her to go! Our new roommate will be moving in between the 19th-20th, which will be fun to get to know someone new, but boo at the same time because then it means Priscilla is gone!
Onto other news, Steve and I started my fourth Pinterest project! This one has to be, by far, my favorite one. We are not quite done yet, I have to string it together, which I started but did not like and wanted to destroy it haha. I have about 2 projects that I haven't fully finished, and this one makes it 3. I seem to start and never completely finish these projects because I get side tracked or have not had time to pick up the last part. We spent all of Sunday doing it and it was great.
Step One: Staining the wood. This is Fifa attacking the air compressor. Steve was spraying air and she kept going after it, crazy dog. We used it to clear off the parts we sanded.
Step Two: Staining the wood, my favorite part. It comes out so awesome!
Step Three: Outline printed. Nails starting to go in!
Step Four:Almost completed project. I need to string it, but I have to find new string that I like because I 3/4 strung it up and wasn't happy with it haha.
Now August.. I like the way
Elise does her goals, she sets them for each month!
Visit Craig and Elizabeth.
Try a new cupcake creation.
Finish my DIY projects.
Hang up some photos.
Make a photobook from Road Trip 2010.
Take Fifa for a walk every morning and evening.
Take more photos.
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