things that make me happy | 05

Jan 23, 2017

I'm a little behind on the week with a lot going on. It's not a bad thing at all but I am happy to report that this week will be a slow week for us. We have no real plans and it's exactly what we need after two weeks of going here and there every night.

Ice skating! It has been so long since I have gone ice skating and it was a blast. Liam had never gone before and we decided we would go with two of his friends. We had such a good time and no one fell! Liam was adorable, I don't think he ever got the hang of it comfortably. We will be going again in the next few weeks.

We had dinner with some friends at our place. It was the first time us hosting dinner with more than each other! Hooray! They loved the kitchen and thought it turned out great. I think we're biased and think it's the best but it's wonderful.

I went to the public library and got my library card for the first time since I was in second grade. Now I can read all the books I want and not have to buy them. It's exciting because I have been wanting to read and haven't had the time. Now I am going to make time.

We did some wine tasting at the local glass museum fo' free. It's one of the events when we started seeing each other so it was a walk down memory lane for us.

Best part about last week?
We went browsing for shiny objects and came closer to deciding on the style of rings I liked and what I didn't like. We found out that I have tiny hands (duh) so getting the ring that I seemed to Pin a lot was out of the question. Damn tiny hands. Well, it was a fun outing together, talking about our future and what looks good and doesn't. He ultimately wants to buy something when I'm not around but with our situation, it's more difficult for him to get around without me. We'll see how he pulls it off. It was super exciting though!

Now it's Monday and possible winter storm warning so we are going to go cuddle on the couch with some hot chocolate and The Bachelor (don't judge us).

1 comment

  1. I haven't ice skated in ages! It does sound like a ton of fun though.

    Hooray for wine, friends, and library cards. Buying rings !? That's very exciting ;) I bet he will do something awesome.


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