reading list | 02

Feb 20, 2017

I was on a roll when I first started the year, I mean we're only at the end of February so I have a lot of time for my 30 book reading list but it seems like so many! That is more than two a month, not every month but many. My reading has slowed down but the second book I read had me sucked in. Again, I apologize for the terrible picture quality, things are taken and edited with my iPhone because my laptop is still dead.

The Nightingale: A Novel by Kristin Hannah

It takes me back on a history lesson during the war, Hitler, the Nazis, but a love for women who stand up for what they believe is right. I read it during the time of all of the Women's Marches and it is empowering to read. I began to really feel bad for some of the characters and even liked some of the essential 'bad guys' but had my anger towards many. The beginning for me was not nearly as exciting as the middle and end, there were nights I did not want to put it down and go to sleep. I had to put a timer on so I would remember that yes, I do have to go to sleep and wake up for work tomorrow.

This was a great book and it made me want to revisit my history books. I never appreciated history when I was forced to memorize it in high school but I wish I could remember it now. The second book in my list is a must read for me and I loved the characters, the storyline, I felt it was very well written and kept my attention. I was super sad in some situations and I would gasp in bed reading, Liam would always ask oh no what happened in your book!? As I read these books, he always asks for an update on it and at the end I explain the whole book in a short 2 minute version for him. It's like he's reading with me haha.

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