vegan cupcakes.

Feb 10, 2012

I know that I may be getting ahead of myself, but I am more then excited to say that I will have my own "at-home-bakery." After so the encouragement of so many coworkers and friends I decided to see how I do by word of mouth and go from there. I have started on a logo, piloting different types of cupcakes, and I will soon try to make a mini menu. I am really excited to try and do this, it's something that I love and I am so excited to share it with others. And yes, I know that there is a big possibility that it won't take off or go anywhere, but to me that won't be that big of a deal.. I mean don't get me wrong I want this to go somewhere, even at a small level, but I am not expecting to open a storefront bakery. I enjoy doing this and it makes me happy, so why not try it.

The idea that I like most is that it's not just any normal cupcake, all of my cupcakes are vegan. They are made with no animal by products and for the most part, everything is organic. They are healthier, egg-free, dairy-free, cholesterol-free, BUT they taste no different from a normal cupcake. Most people can't even tell that they are vegan and I know that a lot of people say that, but I'm telling the truth! I have a coworker who, before meeting me, would never probably try something "vegan" and I am happy to say that I have opened his horizons just a little bit. Before me, a lot of people have never met anyone that baked vegan or ate vegan. I am not saying that I am a vegan though, because I am not. I consider myself a vegetarian and on very small occasions I will eat shrimp, but rarely. I just enjoy baking vegan. I think the challenges of it to make them taste good and take that negative connotation off of vegan.

If nothing becomes of my baby business, I will be happy that I tried something that I never in my life thought I would try. So hopefully by next month I will have some sort of menu, website, logo, business cards. Wish me luck!

Pilot batch: mini versions.

vegan brownie cupcakes.
Vegan chocolate chip brownie cupcakes with vanilla bean icing (SO GOOD). Topped with graham crackers and chocolate drizzle.

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