I know I have been MIA since my last post. I would love to say that I have been doing extremely exciting things with my life, but unfortunately I can not. My life has been consumed with school work and work. Both have been so hectic lately that I do not know what to do with myself. I have not been able to blog or work on Project Life like I would like to.
BUT, this weekend we did enjoy ourselves in New Hampshire for Steve's college roommate's wedding! I have always heard stories of his college days and am really excited to put a face to a name. We had a BLAST. The wedding was beautiful, the ceremony was gorgeous (with a touch of chilly), the reception was great! I have never been to a wedding with a live band and I was pleased with the result. I almost cried at the ceremony because I love love and it makes me so happy when people are in love and happy. It makes me excited for the future.
Our table was awesome, especially since I had no idea who anyone was and Steve somewhat knew. We had a fantastic time and I could not help but admire him over and over again in his suit. I love getting dressed up. Overall, it was an amazing time. The only negative part was this morning at 8am they were doing construction right outside our hotel door, I thought they were going to break down the door.. luckily, it was comped because a lot of people were unhappy.
I hope everything had a wonderful weekend as well!
This week:
and more school.
Maybe a little Project Life thrown in there :)
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