project life | week 44 & 45

Nov 20, 2012

Week 44.
Hurricane Sandy. That was week 44 and still continues to have an affect on some of us, thankfully my family is okay and so is Steve's. The hardest part was losing power, that sucked but over than that it was not as bad as it could have been. Steve's parents had no power for 12 days and a tree fell on their house but did no damage, thankfully. We tried to make the best of the storm, running out to find somewhere that was open for pizza, rain rain rain. It didn't rain as much as it should have, which was great because everything would have been worse. The park across from my house had tons of trees that fell over.

We made the best of it at work by getting ready for Thanksgiving/Tofurkey Day (because I don't eat meat) and we all made hand turkeys! How exciting. My coworker brought her daughter in so I taught her how to make her first hand turkey.

The best vegan pizza I have made by far! It was so so perfect! Daiya cheese is amazing for vegans.

Week 45.
Hooray for snow! NOT! I don't think I would have had a problem with snow if it wasn't for the fact that we just had a hurricane! It didn't stick for too long but some people got it worse than us. I voted for the second time in my life! WOO!

Atlantic City with my family. I love hanging out in AC just gambling and people watching. People watching is so fun down in AC, especially near the clubs, you can definitely get a good laugh.

I hope everyone is having a good Project Life! And have a happy Thanksgiving!
My life has changed in the past few days and I am glad it has, it will work out for the better. I will write more on this later :)


  1. I always love looking at how others document big events, like Hurricane Sandy and the elections. In years to come I think that kind of info is going to be so interesting to our kids. Love what you did here.

    1. I know, it was hard to decide how to document Hurricane Sandy especially since it hit the tri-state area so hard. Thank you! :)

  2. I love all the journaling cards that you used!

  3. yay, i love the washi tape background for your week 45 card. very cute!

  4. Glad to hear you and your loved ones are okay. LOVE your hand turkeys. How fun.

    1. Thank you! There were many more added later on, I love that everyone was willing to participate in it!

  5. Love both weeks! I like how you used washi tape for you background. I'm hoping this whole life changing circumstance is a positive one.


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