The past few weeks that I have missed have been great. This is basically the month of May. Both Steve and mine's birthday, he turned 28 and I turned the big 2-5! Another milestone for me haha. Although I still look 15, one day that will change. My brother turned 27 right after me (our birthdays are a day apart) and my coworker John celebrated his birthday with me! Birthday twins. Steve and I celebrated our birthdays together and our two year anniversary, which was amazing. We went to see RENT in NYC, walked around Central Park, ate at our favorite vegan restaurant. It was the best gift ever.
I also got into my graduate program. I start my summer classes in July and I took 9 credits so far, only 30 more credits and two years to go! Spent double date time with Priscilla and John, got another tint ticket because I don't want to take it off. Ten mile bike ride was amazing. Last week was Memorial Day weekend and BEACH!! I can not wait to go again next weekend, I still haven't written any journal cards, I will soon.
Week 18.

Week 19.

He knows how much I love to scrapbook so as part of my gift he scrapbooked a page in my book to tell me what we were going to be doing for our anniversary.

I scrapbooked the actual day on the back

Week 20.

Week 21.

Week 22.

Whoa, there is a lot here. Your pages look great! What a fun birthday week (month?). Makes me hungry just looking at your spread ;)