It is no doubt that May is one of my favorite months out of the year. Why? Well, because it happens to be my birthday month and it always seems to be the true beginning of spring and summer weather. Yesterday's down pour of rain the entire day did not help the case but that was April showers, now for the May flowers!
A lot has changed since the beginning of April. I'm not sure if it's good or bad news, but it still continues into May. B and I ended our relationship for the time being. Long distance took its toll on us, probably me to be honest, and I couldn't honestly be dedicated to it when I was half-hearted. My feelings for him have not changed but at the moment, I need to focus on myself. With a full workload and school load coming in the next few months I need to figure out how to handle it. He is really wonderful in understanding the difficulties I am having and I am hoping in the next few months we can work something out together. Until then, I need my life to be my own, not wrapped around a partner. I've done that before and it's not what I want again.
So here is to May.
Sunshine, beaches, crafting, working, studying, tanning, and all things wonderful that the summertime brings. I need to manage my finances a little bit better, considering I am going to Germany in four months I need to SAVE. Says the girl who checked out with some new white converses and a cutlery set from Macy's this morning... oops.
Here's to May.
I will be carrying my camera around with me more often. The nice weather will bring more walks for Fifa and outdoors-y activities. It seems annoying to carry this big DSLR around but, honestly, I love photography and I need to get back into it. SP was so supportive of all of my adventures in hobbies and he pushed me to do more of it, I need to do that for myself now.
One week until my birthday.
Twenty-seven will be another good year for me. Twenty-six was tons of fun and full of new things. I can not wait for 27, it will be so exciting and full of travels. So so many travels. And lets cross our fingers on a new job and state to live in.
+ learn how to use my sewing machine
+ work on Project Life
+ take more pictures with DSLR
+ make new recipes and/or bake something new
Long distance is difficult. & it's hard to not be half hearted when you don't physically see them all the time.. or worse you get overly wrapped up in being anxious on what they say and do when you aren't around (that was just my experience). Besides if you're still friends that's awesome ... might just be bad timing for right now, or maybe you'll just remain just amigos. I like how gracious you are when it comes to this stuff. I'm usually a hot mess and mildly cyber stalking for a week, until the strong emotions are done lmbo.
ReplyDeletehaha i used to be but as time has gone on i've realized it's not even worth it. i want to be happy and right now it's alone. hopefully in the near future we can try again when we're on the same page!