Holiday parties galore!
My work holiday party with one group I am with was the best holiday party, ever. Liam went with me and it was great for him to meet all of them and they were excited since they have been following along with our home renovation. Yankee swap gifts included a Potty Piano, 'I shit in the woods' hand sanitizer, alcohol, board games, and a handful of other eclectic items. Great time, great food. Two more parties on Friday.
Cabinets are up as I said last time, but now you can kind of see it. Countertop coming soon and flooring!
Monday morning when I walked to my desk I had this awesome gift basket at my desk saying, do you want to build a... sundae? Our coordinator made one for each of us and it was full of ice cream toppings, cones, bowls, syrups, and scoops! It was the cutest thing ever and a great surprise for a Monday morning.
It's official, Project Life is going to happen in 2017. I bought new 9x12 albums from Studio Calico with their BOGO sale and I'm ready to attempt this through our messy renovation.
We have been out every night this week, it's like we're normal again.
Last full week of work for the rest of the year *YES*
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