I want to remember.. going to the beach with Priscilla and all the moments we had throughout the summer.
I want to remember.. the first time Steve, Fifa, and I all went to the beach together (never again haha).
I want to remember.. all of the cool cupcakes I made!
I want to remember.. Fourth of July fireworks, twice.

I want to remember.. the Olympics and really watching them for the first time.
I want to remember.. spending time with Steve's family and how much his nieces loved me.
I want to remember.. all the funny pictures and tricks Fifa did.

I want to remember.. saying goodbye to my best friend was really crappy but I couldn't be more happy for her.
I want to remember.. I got accepted to graduate school.
I want to remember.. that Steve made me the most amazing cupcake stand ever and for that, I sat outside at a car show for 8 hours.
I want to remember.. going shopping with my mom for the first time in years.

I want to remember.. one of my really great friends got engaged.
I want to remember.. driving 10+ hours to North Carolina to see them.
I want to remember.. the painful, but amazingly awesome banana boats.
I want to remember.. how Elizabeth was such a momma bear to me.
I want to remember.. that I got to visit a vegan bakery I had been dying to go to.
I want to remember.. my first vegetarian food festival with Steve.
I want to remember.. my first made-from-scratch vegan apple pie!
I want to remember.. how we decided next year we are going to move to California when I finish school.
I want to remember.. that I can not believe how fast time is moving and I am loving every minute of it.
I know that next summer will be one of the most amazing summers ever and I cross my fingers at the idea of finishing with graduate school and moving away with the love of my life. It is what motivates me to study all night and stay in every weekend.
Welcome Fall 2012, I can not wait to meet you!
*This idea came from Elise Blaha who got it from Ali Edwards*
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