shake shack
Aug 27, 2013
Madison Square Park - Shake Shack.
Wait time? 30 minutes.
Worth it? Yes.
I have seen posts about Shake Shack; Instagram photos on how great this place is and I must admit, I really enjoyed it. Yes, they have a veggie option - shroom burger. AMAZING. The shake? DELICIOUS. I will definitely try and go back to visit. I would like to try some other shakes and bring Fifa since they definitely had a mini dog menu.
My life has been all sorts of chaotic so the blogging has been kept to a minimum. The idea of moving in a less than a week with my busy social life has gotten me all in a tizzy. When I finally move into my new place I plan on going back to blogging more and attempting a 365 or 52 weeks type of thing.
moving day.
Aug 21, 2013
So the 100+ mile commute everyday to work has finally caught up to me and I moved closer to work back into my favorite neighborhood. HP. It's been 10 months of driving over an hour to and from work, 5 days a week. Can you imagine that? Probably not because it sucks. I think the 3 hour commute home a few weeks ago was a large breaking point in my sanity.
I am impulsive, like really impulsive.
Impulsive to the point where, I want something and I do it.
Work has been nuts. NUTS. So I also think it was a breaking point in my sanity of driving. My mom suggested I move Sunday afternoon so I searched, just for the hell of it. I've looked here and there on occasion but had yet to find anything. My biggest problem is my dog. A lot of places do not take animals and it sucks. I will not give my dog away, she is my baby. As I randomly searched, I found this little duplex gem. It's tiny and perfect for me.
It comes with the world's smallest bathroom, but I can deal. It has a washer and dryer in the basement which is an absolute +++. I hate not having free laundry. I live on the first floor apartment and another woman will be living above my place. We share the basement space/laundry and a closed-in porch area. There is a big backyard that isn't fenced in but big enough for Fifa to be on a long leash. The landlord is extremely nice and helpful, I am so excited.
I move in September 1st. So less than two weeks!
Did I mention I was excited? I can't wait to decorate and be more broke than I already am at the moment haha.
DIY here I come!
project life | april
Aug 20, 2013
Project Life!
The April edition, about four months too late but I've been busy. At the time, my parents were not home yet and I can not believe they will be leaving in two weeks for a short one month visit to Thailand. I was finally finding myself in April and truly getting over SP. The breakup was a rough time for me and as the months went on I got better, I met new people, I went on dates with new people. Looking back, I thoroughly believe everything happens for a reason.

I love the month inserts from Paislee Press. I have been trying to put them in the same position each month. I have also been using the same stickers for the months.

I have been trying to keep Project Life as simple as possible, not a lot of embellishments; just pictures and words. I haven't had time to really work on it like I did last year but I think I have fallen in love with the simplicity of the white space. I consistently use Tracy Larsen simply white photo templates with Keytin font 14. It has been my savior!
I really do love this project so much more. I love the idea of it being about my life this time, not "our" life because it's my work. I can't wait to look back and enjoy my youth. It's not just for adults with children, it can definitely be for young adults and teens.
The April edition, about four months too late but I've been busy. At the time, my parents were not home yet and I can not believe they will be leaving in two weeks for a short one month visit to Thailand. I was finally finding myself in April and truly getting over SP. The breakup was a rough time for me and as the months went on I got better, I met new people, I went on dates with new people. Looking back, I thoroughly believe everything happens for a reason.

I love the month inserts from Paislee Press. I have been trying to put them in the same position each month. I have also been using the same stickers for the months.

I have been trying to keep Project Life as simple as possible, not a lot of embellishments; just pictures and words. I haven't had time to really work on it like I did last year but I think I have fallen in love with the simplicity of the white space. I consistently use Tracy Larsen simply white photo templates with Keytin font 14. It has been my savior!
I really do love this project so much more. I love the idea of it being about my life this time, not "our" life because it's my work. I can't wait to look back and enjoy my youth. It's not just for adults with children, it can definitely be for young adults and teens.
currents: august edition
Aug 14, 2013
feeling exhausted from work overload
enjoying the Fall-like weather right now
wanting new glasses that I've looked at for years
waiting for my bridesmaid dress to arrive
saving money for Florida and assorted trips
daydreaming about a life in the future
laughing at memories of the beach this past weekend
drinking some good Seattle coffee
eating nothing because I'm too lazy to get up
listening to the rustling of the trees in my backyard
loving the visits to NYC area lately
rekindling an old friendship
reading blogs because I'm so behind
hoping to go to the beach this weekend
catching up on Project Life and sleep
socializing way too much but loving it
embracing my youth
Aug 8, 2013
Being back at work sucks. A weekend away on the West Coast just isn't enough for me. I need weeks there.
This was the first time I had ever gone to visit my brother in Seattle, the first time I've ever been to Seattle and I loved it. Maybe because it's new to me or the fact that I have now learned to love the city life, but it was fantastic. I never realized how hill-y Seattle was, it is similar to San Francisco; just not as bad. Walking up some of those hills is hard work.
We did some touristy things: the space needle, Public Market, the first Starbucks, looking for Mt. Rainier.
Other than that we spent time walking to awesome bars that have arcade games, finding new places to eat, and taking naps. Naps are a must after the amount of walking. I miss it already. The next time I visit, I must see Portland.
I really loved this city. I think I love any city that has culture to it. I even found amazing coffee the day before I left and my brother will send it to me when I finish the first set! It's just that good.
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