friday faves | 06

Jun 27, 2014

1 | My mom recently bought me these gummy bears, I think they're my new faves.
2 | I love these summer drink mocktails by ABM.
3 | Easy DIY cake toppers for the baby shower.
4 | My little succulent is growing a baby succulent, thanks to this.
5 | I need to make these vegan cinnamon rolls.

Enjoy your weekend all.


baby shower mood board

Jun 26, 2014

If you know me well, you would know I am not a baby fan. I have never been the girl that was gawking over an infant and wanting to hold it (yes, it). They are too fragile for me to feel completely comfortable with holding a newborn; it makes me nervous. Is that weird? Probably.

BUT, my best fran, P, is having her first child this coming October and I will have to overcome my fear of babies. Yes, I realize how ridiculous I sound but shhhh. I am so so soooooo excited for her and her husband. I was lucky enough to take photos for her wedding day and I can't wait to take pictures at her baby shower in August.

It pains me to think how far away we are from each other and I can't be there to really throw her a baby shower. The distance has always sucked, but now it really sucks when there are such big events such as these. A friend of hers in NC is throwing the shower and I want to be apart of it so bad so I made sure to email her so I wouldn't be left out. On top of that, I spent my entire class searching Pinterest for baby shower ideas and created a mood board of ideas. Let's hope some of these can come to fruition.

currently: june edition

Jun 25, 2014

working on the new gallery wall in my apartment

eating tons of watermelon my mom precut for me (!!)

drinking iced coffee every morning, perfect weather for it

counting down the days for #sammyvaca

planning beach days for the weekend

trying to figure out how to uncomplicate my life a little

reading blogs about blogging and how-to design blogs

designing pretend baby shower invites for practice

searching for baby shower cupcake ideas for P's shower in August

laughing at Harlow and Sage Instagram videos

flicking through channels because I have no shows to watch

listening to music I played in high school, need new stuff!

enjoying the summer weather, minus the humidity

catching up on all the blogs I am behind on, damnit school you get in the way again

obsessing over how much I love vegetarian pho

attempting to blog more because I miss it

the weekend | 01

Jun 23, 2014

Being a 27 year-old single girl, working full-time at a university, while going to night classes, with no real responsibilities gets difficult to update a blog. Every podcast, blogger, or how-to blog site explains that consistency is key, but it's definitely easier said then done. My life does not revolve around the blog because it's not my full-time job, but I do love it.

So what does a 27 year-old do on the weekends?

It's always hanging out with friends or a recovery weekend from every other busy weekend. The majority (let's say 99%) of my friends are in similar positions as I am; the no children grouping. All of my friends who have children or are soon-to-be parents, don't live near me -- they all live out of state. Most are not married, with a few in serious relationships, but still in the stage of "I'm just having fun." When I was younger, I could have sworn I would be married with children now, but I'm happy with where life has taken me so far.

This weekend consisted of hanging out in Pennsylvania with a few friends..

Pancake cook-off.

Box mix vs. homemade from scratch pancakes. Box mix pancakes with crushed up chocolate chip cookies mashed in, basically anything he could find pancakes. I would like to believe the scratch pancakes were the winners. Fluffy pancakes for the win!

Fifa enjoyed her time there, she loves having a fenced in yard. I also like how easy it is to wear her out when we have a yard to play in. Throw ball. Catch ball. Run back. Pretend to give ball back but don't. Rip ball from mouth. Throw ball. Repeat.

Spent Friday night at a baseball game for a 31st birthday celebration. I love baseball games. As much as I tried to pay attention to the game I'm pretty sure we socialized more then actually watching the game. Oh well. Ten dollars well spent. Fireworks on a Friday night in the summertime? You really can't go wrong with that.

It was a very eventful weekend and I am glad I enjoyed Sunday with my parents, shopping with mom and watching FIFA World Cup with my dad and, what do you know it, Fifa. I hope you all enjoyed your weekends, they are always way too short for me.

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