what i'm reading

Jul 30, 2014

Reading for enjoyment while working full-time and taking graduate classes is not an easy task. Every time I happen to pick up a book for pleasure, I think, I should be reading the next chapter so I don't fall behind, it would be more productive. So for the next six four weeks, I get to read for the enjoyment of reading a good book. Because really, I love it. Baby shower planning has gotten in the way a bit but so so worth it.

The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach | Recently finished this book and I was a bit angry at the end of it. I love the characters and very well written. In high school, all of my friends played baseball so I know a lot about the ins and outs about the stats and how passionate people can be able this. I always knew the short-stop had a heavy job, always had to be a great player. It sucked me in, by the end I was getting frustrated at the characters decisions, but it made the book enjoyable. I was vested in the decisions they were making, as if they were my own friends. Enjoyable read.

Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling | This was a Summer 2013 read but I never posted anything about it. I can still remember how much I loved it and how it had my laughing out loud on the plane ride home from Seattle. Thinking, I hope these people don't think I'm crazy because this book is AMMAAZZINNNGGG. I could relate to the book, it was pursuing dreams and awkward moments of life growing up culturally different. It had me sending pictures to my best friend saying THAT'S US! I read this in two days; I would read it over and over, and over again.

Bossypants by Tina Fey | Because I loved Mindy Kaling's book so much I hoped this would be as good. It took me a long time to read. I started in December and only just recently finished it. Not nearly as funny and engaging as I was expecting. When I put it down I would forget about it and not look at it for weeks, it just did not have me hooked on it. I enjoyed some parts of it and learning about SNL and how 30 Rock was created, but not the same entertainment for me.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Young adult novels get me every time. Again, this was from the Fall when I was in Seattle, but it was on a best-sellers list before the movie came out. No, I didn't see it. I wasn't interested in seeing it. The book had me teary at the end, not as tear jerker as the movie may have portrayed. I find I never enjoy the movies after reading the books so I would read it afterwards. It was an easy read and only took a few days to complete. It hooked me and I was interested in the story line, but at the same time I was annoyed at the characters.


Jul 27, 2014

Brian stayed with me two weeks ago, an entire week together! Unfortunately, I still had to go to work those days, but it was a nice surprise every time I got home and he was there to greet me. One day I had come home and he surprised me with flowers. I love the smell of fresh flowers in my house. It's truly wonderful. We were so busy every night, even when it was just relaxing on a Friday night I was drained. An eventful week(end).

We decided to visit Baltimore again to see his friends from college.
We picked a good weekend to go since it was the biggest art festival in Baltimore. #artscape2014
His friends also got a new puppy three days before we came so they were still crate training and getting used to having to take care of a puppy. So friggin' cute. He was precious, so tiny! Italian greyhound, 12 weeks, Sam. Yes, we shared a name. Lots of jokes that weekend.

I was extremely excited to finally take out my camera and snap a few pictures. It has been so long since I've been able to really take photos. I switched out my lens and put my 50mm f1.8 back on, my tried and true. Seriously, I love that lens. I know it crops close and you have to walk farther out to take portraits but it is such a good lens. The bokeh is amazing, the low light capabilities are great too. Overall, my fave. I am renting a lens for my Europe trip with the future possibility of buying it, way too much for me to spend right now.

Okay, back to the story.
I go off a tangent sometimes, my bad!
Anyways, we walked around Artscape for a few hours and I snapped away at pictures of them. I really didn't get any photos of us except on my phone. The trusty iPhone 5! It was hot, but not humid; easy summer weather with tons of people walking around and artsy things going on. Spent most of the time browsing but nothing to really buy.

Played some nerd games, Settlers of Catan, I'm actually amused at how much I enjoy that game. Competitive, too. I came in second. So close!! Most of the weekend Jesse and Brian played Mario Kart and Magic. Yes, Magic: the Gathering. A true nerd. He's so cute.

Now this week, I am planning baby shower games and things.
Brian and I are on hiatus, I know it's confusing because he spent the week with me, but my life is complicated. Or, I just make them complicated, who knows. I need to figure it out and right now being alone is what is best for me. I enjoy his company, his conversation, him. Right now, I'm just not ready. Not for serious long distance commitment. I want to focus on me. Me, for once. We remain friends and talk, we're definitely more than friends with those feelings, but we'll see.

currently: july edition

Jul 21, 2014

Artscape 2014 in Baltimore

super excited that classes are over for the next six weeks

cringing over the bills/expenses I have in the next four weeks

editing pictures I took over the weekend spent in Baltimore

designing baby shower game books for P's shower in August

loving my new Behance Action book

eating home cooked meals from my mom, nom nom nom

drinking less Starbucks coffee and French pressing it at home

counting down the days until Europe, THREE weeks

reading Eleanor & Park, I bought it during Christmas and have had no time until now

enjoying the nice weather we've been having; I am loving the cool summer nights

researching for a lens to take on my trip

watching nothing in particular, except HBO movies

listening to Timeflies on repeat

wanting to learn how to design my blog on my own, looking to take this course

for the love of pho

Jul 13, 2014

It's probably a weird obsession I have at the moment.
It's probably a phase that I will move on from because I will be so sick of eating it, but for right now, I am in love.

In love, with pho.
A vietnamese style dish, which usually never comes vegetarian. Why? Because it is typically made in a beef broth, not very vegetarian of me. But I found a place, a place so wonderful it thinks of the small population of vegetarians, who want to try something oh so delicious without giving up our ideas. Vegetable broth! You have saved the day.

I finally found one which serves a vegetarian dish, it has a little section dedicated to us lowly vegetarians and I visit this restaurant almost once every other week. Like I said, obsessed. The employees even know when I come in there what I'm going to order, the only reason for me to look at the menu is to decide what drink I would like, if it's Tuesday. Two pho Tuesday!

And last, but not least, mochi. Oh mochi, mochi, mochi.
Red bean, you are my favorite. Taro, I wish you didn't come on the dish. Green tea, runner up to the best. You can almost guarantee that I will order dessert no matter how stuffed I am with food. It has to be frozen because if it's not, it's pretty gross. I'm also always afraid while in the process of cutting it in half, it will fly off the plate onto the floor. It has yet to happen and I'll keep crossing my fingers it doesn't.

Now that I have made myself hungry for it and regret talking so much about it, I am going to go back to studying! Enjoy the last World Cup match today and the last parts of your weekend!

back to the grind

Jul 9, 2014

I spent the fourth down in Florida visiting B for a few days and it was a nice getaway.
We spent most of the time taking naps and eating out. I am a huge fan of naps, eating out - not always. It has been my experience lately, his area is not keen on the vegetarian, mom-and-pop lifestyle that I love so much. It poses a problem to the future of me moving down there; I'm not sure I could handle that!

It was a good time overall and I was happy to spend it with him and his coworkers/friends. Being able to set off fireworks and not have to worry about getting into trouble over it was an amusing part of the process. I had never been into a fireworks store so it was crazy to see how much they spent. New Jersey has none and it is illegal to set them off, but so is Florida. I was most excited about sparklers because I'm about 10 years old, ya know? They're fun! You can't blame me!

I met one of his friends from college who brought his 6 month old with him and B takes the funniest pictures when holding children. We both have the same reactions to it, I think. He's much better than I am haha. One day I am sure I'll get better at it, but until then I'll stick to holding dogs and children that can walk themselves.


Classes are almost over so I can't wait to have more time doing things! Like planning my trip in Europe! Woo! I will return with a bang when class is done and I've had a few ideas on wanting to change the look and updating more often. Let's cross our fingers.

the weekend | 02

Jul 1, 2014

When the weekend was approaching I would have told you it was going to be a relaxing, study for my exam type of weekend... I was wrong. But in a really good way.

Friday night was spent playing with water color and watching random movies playing on the television. I think it turned out pretty good, considering it filled up two frames!

This weekend was perfect for beach going and I took full advantage of it! I love the beach, it's one of my favorite parts of the summer and one of my imaginary "summer manifestos" was to go to the beach at least every other weekend. Twice this weekend makes up for any time I have missed. And spontaneous me, a friend of mine had an extra ticket to the Paramore/Fall Out Boy Monument Tour - VIP parking and a seat in section 102, closest I've ever been to the stage in a big concert like that. So excited. I loved Fall Out Boy in high school, loved Paramore as well, but FOB - it brings me back. The show was AWESOME. I could not stop jumping up and down and singing all the old school songs. I loved it. R and I have been friends for a long time so it is funny to look back on our history and see where we are today, friends. If you knew our history, you would ask the question: why are you friends with him? I get that a lot but to hold a grudge when you're already over it, it's useless. It was great. He even broke out of his shell and danced and sang along. Woah. Scratch one off my list. Spent the last day of my weekend at the beach with A. We had a good time, relaxing on the beach, falling asleep and wading around in the ocean, my fave. It's been a good time.

Meanwhile, B surprised me with beautiful flowers from a local florist where I live - he knows I love lilies and buying local and not from the "big chains." The only sad thing, I don't to see them for very long because I'll be visiting him tonight until Saturday! I hope they're still holding on when I get back. I love the smell of fresh flowers when I walk through the door.

Besides the exciting news, my plants are growing! My basil has some tiny mushrooms and I am not happy about that, I'm searching the web to get rid of them. Any ideas? The plant I have up there, I clipped some of those stems off of someone else's plant at work and it has been growing! I am so excited!! My green thumb isn't completely black, ha.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekends.
I won't be around for the week so have a happy 4th!


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