graduation 2013
May 22, 2013
Graduation day.
It was raining, again. Three years ago when I graduated from undergrad it was raining. Blah! This time it wasn't so bad though, just a little bit.
The auditorium was hot. I think they like to make the graduates really uncomfortable. The cap never fits on my head right. It's so awkward.
Masters students sit in the front, so we decided to sit in the front row. Out of order. They give you cards to hand to the speaker when he says your name so who cares. Last names: A, B, G, Q, R, A. Yeah - we're good like that haha. It was so much fun. I enjoyed it more than my undergrad.
Then the next day came the graduation party, with more rain.
Why am I so short!?
No really, I'm not that short - they're all just a lot taller than me; ranging from 6'1 to 6'7. So yeah.
It did rain again, but not terribly. We hung out in the porch area, ate tons of food and drank lots of beer. It was not as crazy as my last graduation party because it was on a Sunday. I was exhausted the next day at work. Good party.
I love my friends.
I am not sure what I would have done without them these past 4 months. I survived because they were there to support me through it all. My determination to finish and start looking for jobs was also a factor. It paid off. 4.0 GPA - can't beat that.
Thank you.
Thank you to those who supported me these last 2 years of school.
Thank you to the people who supported me for the last four months.
I am so very grateful for such amazing people in my life.
project life | february
May 21, 2013
I know what you're thinking... February!? It's May!
Well, I am a busy girl so getting it photographed and posted was not an easy task. It seems so long ago, February. It was about 3 months ago. So much has changed in three months.
I spent my first Valentine's Day alone since high school and it was just fine. I was never a huge Valentine's Day girl. Steve and I had always kept it pretty low key so it wasn't a big deal to spend it alone. At the time, I had convinced a friend to go see Safe Haven and he hated it, so did I though haha.
Friends kept me busy.
I became close with friends in grad school. We went out to dinners and laughed in class about who knows what. I felt like things were getting back to normal and my life was starting to look brighter.
I started doing yoga. Since then, I stopped haha. But I constantly workout throughout the week. With the dog and school, yoga needed more time than I could afford. Now that my parents are home and school is basically over with, I think I can spare some time. Fifa kept me sane on my lonely nights.
Words. Of. Wisdom.
It kept me sane.
My friends kept me sane. Quotes, words, hope. It's what helped me believe I was better off and it wasn't the end.
That blog post helped so much. I couldn't believe how true it was for me at the time.
The best part about February?
I got to watch my best friend get married. I got to take pictures for her to keep. I got to be her witness and sign her marriage papers. It was amazing.
I could not be happier for her. She deserves it. And although the distance sucks, we won't let it get in the way of our friendship.
It had been a while since I spoke to her so I called yesterday. I realized her husband, J, had left for a three week training. Even though she knew it would be like this, military life, it doesn't make it any easier. So we chatted for an hour and caught up.
I finished March this past weekend and will post that sooner than I did February.
I really do love this project. It has worked so much better for me doing it month-at-a-glance than doing it weekly. Especially since so far this year my weeks have been pretty boring with school.
Looking back on 2012 and 2013 when I'm older is going to be interesting. I will be glad I did it.
Well, I am a busy girl so getting it photographed and posted was not an easy task. It seems so long ago, February. It was about 3 months ago. So much has changed in three months.
I spent my first Valentine's Day alone since high school and it was just fine. I was never a huge Valentine's Day girl. Steve and I had always kept it pretty low key so it wasn't a big deal to spend it alone. At the time, I had convinced a friend to go see Safe Haven and he hated it, so did I though haha.
Friends kept me busy.
I became close with friends in grad school. We went out to dinners and laughed in class about who knows what. I felt like things were getting back to normal and my life was starting to look brighter.
I started doing yoga. Since then, I stopped haha. But I constantly workout throughout the week. With the dog and school, yoga needed more time than I could afford. Now that my parents are home and school is basically over with, I think I can spare some time. Fifa kept me sane on my lonely nights.
Words. Of. Wisdom.
It kept me sane.
My friends kept me sane. Quotes, words, hope. It's what helped me believe I was better off and it wasn't the end.
That blog post helped so much. I couldn't believe how true it was for me at the time.
The best part about February?
I got to watch my best friend get married. I got to take pictures for her to keep. I got to be her witness and sign her marriage papers. It was amazing.
I could not be happier for her. She deserves it. And although the distance sucks, we won't let it get in the way of our friendship.
It had been a while since I spoke to her so I called yesterday. I realized her husband, J, had left for a three week training. Even though she knew it would be like this, military life, it doesn't make it any easier. So we chatted for an hour and caught up.
I finished March this past weekend and will post that sooner than I did February.
I really do love this project. It has worked so much better for me doing it month-at-a-glance than doing it weekly. Especially since so far this year my weeks have been pretty boring with school.
Looking back on 2012 and 2013 when I'm older is going to be interesting. I will be glad I did it.
around here
May 16, 2013

It has been a crazy week.
Non-stop moving and I can not believe I graduate on Saturday - with a Masters! What! I am so beyond excited to be walking with a 4.0! Yes, four-point-oh. I mean yes, I still have a summer class to take but I am not going to let that mess it up.
I have been non-stop moving around since Saturday.
It's crazy how close I have become with K B & J. I have never had a close group of female friends. My best friend P is the closest I have come to a group haha. All of the girls I am friends with live in three different states along the east coast (MA, NC, FL). So, needless to say, it is really nice to have a close group at home. We mesh very well together and it works for us.
We went to AC on Monday night and headed to Philly the next morning.
Half of us didn't sleep until six in the morning on Tuesday. Yes, we stayed up all night dancing and gambling. It was fantastic. I don't think I've ever felt that amazing. One of the girls, D, did my hair and makeup. Yes, makeup. Now, that may not sound crazy to most people, but I do not wear makeup. Ever. So it was a strange feeling. But it looked great! I looked great! haha.
The next day in Philly was fabulous. It was beautiful outside and we spent the day walking around, eating, and hanging out at Fat Tuesday's. Exhausted, but great memories.
KBSJ. We decorated caps. Jammed out to music. Ate dinner. Fire pit.
They did hair. It was a real sleepover. How funny.
Graduation is Saturday night. Graduation party is Sunday.
I'm so excited to be done.
Applying for jobs. I am hopeful to be Cali bound this year. Maybe not this summer but some time this year. *fingers crossed*
Who knows what will happen but I can not wait until I can do something new with my life. Trying something new. It's all I want.
what we deserve
May 10, 2013
I've mentioned this before and it was brought up again today in random conversation.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
Well, we all deserve to be happy.
You should never let someone treat you as though you are second best.
You are beautiful and worth so much more.
Do not ever let someone make you feel as though you are worthless.
I have been in that situation where nothing I did seemed good enough. No matter what I did I couldn't seem to do right by him and I felt so small.
College was not that long ago and yet, I can't believe how much I have grown and learned since that time.
I told myself I would never put myself in that situation again.
I met someone who made me feel good about myself. He never made me believe I couldn't trust him. I wasn't the crazy girl I was in college.
Then I stumbled upon someone who had good looks and charm.
But I quickly realized it was a young boys game and I didn't want to play.
So I walked away.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
You always deserve someone who will treat you right.
But you don't need anyone to make you feel good.
I didn't need someone to toy with me and then I realized just how much I've grown since college.
Enjoy the loneliness.
Enjoy your own company.
Love who you are without someone else.
updated: 25 at 25.
May 9, 2013
1. Go to Dylan's Candy Bar
2.Spend some time volunteering I wanted to do more but Rutgers Day was still a blast to help out.
3.Take a walk through Central Park
4.Visit Thailand
5.Eat healthier with a few cheats
6. Better my photography skills: food, couples, outdoor, people
7. Visit my brother in Boston at least twice He moved to Seattle so scratch that!
8.Read 10 more books (+ the 7 for my NYR)
(granted some are cheesy romance novels but who cares! The Last Lecture, Tuesday's with Morrie, The Time Keeper, Beautiful Disaster, Thoughtless, Effortless, The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Art of Racing in the Rain, The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden, The Edge of Never)
9. Eat out at 15 new vegan/vegetarian places
(so far Life Alive, Lovin' Oven, Sticky Fingers, The Cinnamon Snail, HipCity Veg)
10. Throw a party and decorate everything
11.See a Broadway show
12.Bake and decorate a cake
13. Teach Fifa roll over
14. Take a graphic design class
15. DIY 10 craft projects seen on Pinterest
16.Buy a new wardrobe
17. Bake a vegan cheesecake
18.Go to a concert (bought Taylor Swift tickets for July!)
19.Attend a food festival
20. Walk through the 9/11 Memorial
21. Try more vegan bakeries I'd like to try more but this one is one I had been dying to go to!
22.Get colorful mani/pedis
23. 365 year 25 (iPhone, DSLR, point-and-shoot) - I am trying again
24.Be more creative
25.Move out into my own apartment
I would say that I did a decent job on my list considering I was working a full-time job and taking on a full class schedule. The one I wish I had done the most? The new 15 vegan/vegetarian restaurants. I lost my partner in crime who went with me and none of my friends are willing to go, because they suck. Just kidding.
This year I am going to go without a list and just enjoy the spontaneity of my life. I will finally be finished with classes after 4th of July. One summer class with two of my good friends, piece of cake. So here it goes with just having a good time with good friends and spending as much time at the beach as I possibly can.
6. Better my photography skills: food, couples, outdoor, people
7. Visit my brother in Boston at least twice He moved to Seattle so scratch that!
(granted some are cheesy romance novels but who cares! The Last Lecture, Tuesday's with Morrie, The Time Keeper, Beautiful Disaster, Thoughtless, Effortless, The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Art of Racing in the Rain, The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden, The Edge of Never)
9. Eat out at 15 new vegan/vegetarian places
(so far Life Alive, Lovin' Oven, Sticky Fingers, The Cinnamon Snail, HipCity Veg)
10. Throw a party and decorate everything
13. Teach Fifa roll over
14. Take a graphic design class
15. DIY 10 craft projects seen on Pinterest
17. Bake a vegan cheesecake
20. Walk through the 9/11 Memorial
21. Try more vegan bakeries I'd like to try more but this one is one I had been dying to go to!
23. 365 year 25 (iPhone, DSLR, point-and-shoot) - I am trying again
I would say that I did a decent job on my list considering I was working a full-time job and taking on a full class schedule. The one I wish I had done the most? The new 15 vegan/vegetarian restaurants. I lost my partner in crime who went with me and none of my friends are willing to go, because they suck. Just kidding.
This year I am going to go without a list and just enjoy the spontaneity of my life. I will finally be finished with classes after 4th of July. One summer class with two of my good friends, piece of cake. So here it goes with just having a good time with good friends and spending as much time at the beach as I possibly can.
happy birthday
May 8, 2013
I turned 26 today.
And it was calm and great day.
I look back and enjoyed 25.
I know 26 is going to be even better.
Optimism is always good.
I had a great birthday.
The people in my life are amazing.
I have truly amazing friends.
Happy birthday to me.
Here's to 26!
And it was calm and great day.
I look back and enjoyed 25.
I know 26 is going to be even better.
Optimism is always good.
I had a great birthday.
The people in my life are amazing.
I have truly amazing friends.
Happy birthday to me.
Here's to 26!
As I say goodbye to 25, I look back and I love it.
Even through the terrible events that occurred in my life, I understand that all things happen for a reason. When we embrace change we find exactly what we need and in my case, I found myself. My birthday last year amazing and I thank Steve for spoiling me with NYC, Central Park, and RENT. He made my 25th birthday exactly what I wanted and I love him so much for it. He helped me in so many ways I can not even count. I hope that I gave him as much as he had given me. Now that I am going to start a new year of my life, I can't help but smile when I look back.
Yes, there were rough patches, but who doesn't have those? I loved twenty-five. I know I am going to love twenty-six.
Even through the terrible events that occurred in my life, I understand that all things happen for a reason. When we embrace change we find exactly what we need and in my case, I found myself. My birthday last year amazing and I thank Steve for spoiling me with NYC, Central Park, and RENT. He made my 25th birthday exactly what I wanted and I love him so much for it. He helped me in so many ways I can not even count. I hope that I gave him as much as he had given me. Now that I am going to start a new year of my life, I can't help but smile when I look back.
- I finished my last semester as a graduate student.
- I moved home and saved money so I could start my own future; eventually.
- Found my female best friend and watched her get married.
- Vacationed in Thailand, amazing.
- Went to a total of 3 weddings. All great.
- Catered a wedding with 125 vegan cupcakes.
- Made some amazing new friends and rekindled with old ones.
- Went on a first date for the first time in three years.
- Weathered through a ridiculous hurricane.
- Visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Took my first trip into the city alone.
- Spent time with Steve and I loved every minute we shared together.
- Became more responsible with juggling school, work, and being a dog mom.
- The love of my life broke my heart.
- I picked myself up and began enjoying my life.
- Fell in love with Instagram.
- Dreamed of moving to California more than anything
- Broadened my musical horizon to more mellow
- Consistently worked out for the first time, I have abs!
- Traveled, not always far but it's okay
- Began job searching for a new career
- Stuck to being a vegetarian out and about, but eat vegan at home. I still love it.
- Realized how lucky I am to have so many wonderful people in my life
- Found my bubbly, outgoing personality again
- Happy. It was overall happy.
Yes, there were rough patches, but who doesn't have those? I loved twenty-five. I know I am going to love twenty-six.
may goals
May 1, 2013
Graduate. Graduate. Graduate.
Apply. Apply. Apply.
Continue to work out - lower abs please show up.
Catch up on Project Life. I am so behind!
Enjoy spending crazy nights with good friends.
Really, these goals are not that hard, but I am keeping it simple.
My head has been clouded these past few weeks with finishing school, work, and playing games with someone I don't want to play games with. I am getting my head straight and forgetting the pettiness. I don't need it. I am too old and too busy to deal with boys. Over it. As one of my friends put it: only put energy into people who put the same out.
Graduation is 17 days away.
I start applying to jobs today. I told myself May 1st I would begin. So here I go.
I am only 25 for one more week. I will never be 25 again. I will be starting 26 and loving every minute of it. I am going to be twenty-six! And I look about 17. Oh well.
I bought my graduation dress. I love it.
I bought a dress for Atlantic City graduation celebration/birthday celebrations. If I do say so myself, I clean up nicely ;)
May is going to be a fantastic month.
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